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In Memory of
Livia Dickman
לביה דיקמן
י״ח בכסלו תשפ״ד
:תאריך פטירה
Date of Death:
November 30, 2023
: מקום האירוע
Place of Event:
:מקום מגורים

Livia Dickman, 24, was murdered in a terrorist attack claimed by Hamas in Jerusalem on November 30.
The terrorists who carried out the attack at the entrance to the capital in solidarity with the ongoing war in Gaza, were named as brothers Murad and Ibrahim Nemer, residents of East Jerusalem, who according to the Shin Bet were Hamas members and previously jailed for terror activity.
Dickman, a native of the Haredi Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof, was declared dead at the scene. She was a teacher at the Derech Emunah school in Ramat Beit Shemesh, and was on her way to work when the attack occurred. As she stood at the bus stop, she was saying her morning prayers with a siddur, or Jewish prayerbook, in her hand, according to witnesses.
ZAKA volunteers later returned the siddur to her family after it was recovered from the scene.
She was buried in Jerusalem on November 30 at the Har Hamenuchot cemetery.
Dickman had gotten married eight months before she was killed, and was pregnant with her first child.
At her funeral, her father, Yehuda, said that she “was a woman who knew what she wanted to do in life. She had a heart, intelligence and emotion and thanks to them she knew exactly what to do. She leaves behind her only good memories of a gentle smile.”
Her father told mourners that he was comforted by the fact that she died instantly and didn’t suffer: “When I had to identify her body, I saw purity and holiness, a woman who wanted to build a Jewish home. She had such a good husband, they were a happy couple, she was dedicated to him.”
“I thanked her for the 24 years she gave me. Such a good girl, I never had one argument with her ever,” he added. “She was a true righteous woman.”
Her husband, Meir, noted that “I met you only a year ago. You were so righteous and so pure and wanted to do only good. All of your aspirations were to become stronger [in religious practice] and to do good. You were slain amid song, with a siddur in your hand.”Source: The Times of Israel

Information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. 

In case of discrepancy between the Hebrew and the English, the Hebrew should take precedence.

Note: If you would, like to plant a tree for this victim, please remeber the unique ID You will enter it on the order page:
Unique Code: C906

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